Monday, December 15, 2008

# 9 One of my Favorite Movies

In the script, one detail that would be included would be that Wesley is pretending to be the Dread Pirate Roberts. Another detail would be that Vizzini has a sword up to Buttercup's throat. The script would also say that Wesley is wearing a mask to cover his face. Wesley also has iocaine powder in his pocket. Buttercup being blindfolded during the battle of wits would be another detail in the script. Another detail is that there are two goblets on the table. There is also wine on the table. Also, the script would say that Wesley put both goblets in front of him and turned away from Vizzini when he put iocaine in them.

One detail that would be added once filming began would be how Vizzini gestures with his hands. Also, they would add Buttercup gasping when Vizzini pressed harder with the sword. Another detail that would be added is that Vizzini grabs Buttercup's arm. Vizzini inhaling loudly would also be an added detail. They would also add that Vizzini is calm as he describes his logic. Another detail that would be added is that Wesley's hand is on his chin as he says, "You truely have a dizzing intellect." They would also have Vizzini have a sort of evil laugh right before his death. They would also include that Vizzini just falls over.

Monday, November 17, 2008

# 7 Pet Day

Pet Day is a new holiday. It became a holiday when one woman realized that there was a day to honor mothers and fathers, but there was no day to honor pets. She liked her dog so much that she took one day out of the year to have it be all about him. She told some of her friends, who also loved their pets about it, and then they started celebrating their pets one day a year too. More people found out about the day, and it became so popular that it became a holiday. On Pet Day, people with pets will do what ever their pet enjoys doing best. For example, if one had a dog that loved to go on walks, the pet owner would take his or her dog for a walk. The pet owners also give gifts to their pets on pet day. They might get their pet something like a new collar, their favorite treats, or a toy. Petco gets lots of business around this holiday. It's like Hallmark around Valentine's day. Buying presents is how people get ready for the holiday. There isn't any special way to decorate for Pet Day. It is a lot like Mother's Day and Father's day, and there aren't decorations for those holidays. One tradition of Pet Day is to have a big feast with all your friends and family who also love pets. The true meaning of this holiday is to show your pet how much you care about them.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

#6 The Law

Some people talk face to face like they do when they text. These people abbreviate words when they speak. Common words I've heard abbreviated are dec for decent and nas for nasty. I think this is okay to be seen in a text, but in my opinion it is absolutely ridiculous when you're having an actual conversation. Why do people do this? It is not hard at all to say full words. The people who abbreviate words when they talk are very irritating. Abbreviating words has become so common that people can't even have a normal, intelligent conversation anymore. There is going to be a new law that will hopefully get the number of people who do this to decease. The law is that no one can abbreviate words when they talking in person. Violators of this law will have to pay a fine of twenty-five dollars anytime they abbreviate a word. This law will also effect people who say OMG instead of saying oh my god. Other words or phrases that will no longed be allowed are LOL and IDK. This new law will be enforced starting December 1, 2008. You better start to use full words when you talk, or you'll have to pay the price.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

#5 Creature

My new creature would be a dog and bunny. This fabulous creature would be called a dunny. Dunnies look like dogs, but they have long, pointed ears like rabbits. They also have small, fluffy tails that look like cotton balls. It is an adorable creature. This animal lives only in homes. One would not be able to find a dunny out in the wild. This creature eats dog food and vegetables such as, carrots and lettuce. Dunnies have superb hearing and smell. They can jump extremely high and can run very fast. This animal is quite energetic. It's also friendly and behaves well around children.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

#4 invention

Have you ever needed advice, but your friend wasn't around? Well, now you can just go to your computer. The new computer, Computer 3000, has a built in empathy chip. This feature allows you to type in a problem, and the computer can process it and actually put itself in your shoes. The computer will then be able to give you advice. It will be just like receiving advice from your friends or family. How the empathy chip works is you will click on the 'empathy' icon that is on the screen. It will automatically be there because the empathy chip comes installed in the computer. After clicking on the icon, a box will pop up, which is somewhat similar to the boxes for instant messaging. In the box it will say 'problem,' and that is where you will type your problem. When you are done typing what you would like to talk about, hit enter to send it. The empathy chip in your computer will read what you wrote and respond. The computer's response will appear in the box. You can then type back if you choose to. Conversations with your computer are now possible. The Computer 3000 is the same size as the average computer desktop, so you will not have to worry about it being a big super computer. It comes in several different models, but they all contain the empathy chip. The Computer 3000 is $3,999.99. Go buy your Computer 3000 today.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

#3 cityscape

All the lights in the city are never off at the same time. They remain on like a nightlight in a child's bedroom. Cars speed across the city streets like horses running at the Kentucky Derby. The subway beneath the street causes the road above it to vibrate as it zooms along the track. Some of the skyscrapers in the city are over fifty stories high. A breeze sends chills down the backs of people outside and forces the tree branches to dance. Fast-Food resturants, that are open late, fill the air with the aroma of hamburgers and french fries. Clouds of car exhaust make pedesterians gag. Musicians are playing on streetcorners for money. Homeless people have given up on their panhandling and have resided to their park benches or alleys. Litter covers the streets like gum covers the bottom of a desk in a classroom. Headaches pound at the heads of the workaholics still at their jobs. Children who are in bed feel the warmth of their covers as they cuddle with their favorite stuffed animal. Televisions are roaring while adults watch the news and Dave Letterman's Late Show. Cars are honking and dogs are barking. The city is a circus that never stops performing.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

#2 I'm Olando Bloom

Orlando Bloom Fansite
It is crazy to me that I get so much attention from my fans. Looking at this fansite seriously baffles me every single time. Anything you can think of about me is on that site. Honestly, it goes from a biography about me to merchandise. You know you're famous the day you see your face on a figurine. I love that I have fans that care about me so much. They are what keep me in the acting business. Without fans, it would be like acting with no audience. Some of my fans are a little over the top though, I have to say. One went as far as to get the same ringtone on their cell phone that I have. I just think that is weird. A lot of girls on that site say that they want to marry me. That is flattering, although it won't ever happen. It is exciting to be considered attractive by so many women though. If I wasn't an actor, I'd probably remain unnoticed. The most interesting part for me to read on the fansite is the discussions about the movies I've been in. Those discussions let me know what parts of my movies the audience really enjoyed. I feel like the feedback has made me a better actor. I only take the roles that I would really enjoy doing and I've loved every role that I've had so far. I liked seeing everything on the fansite, and thank you to all of my fans who watch my films and support me.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

#1 crazy image

Happy Little Fellow, isn't he?

description 1)Kindergartners

This is a funny looking creature. It is not a real creature. This picture is of an alligator and a bird put together. We should call it an allibird. It has the head of an alligator and the body of a bird. It has a big mouth with lots of teeth. It also has wings and can fly. Its feathers are brown. The allibird does not make a "ca" sound or a "tweet" sound like other birds. It makes a loud ringing sound.

desciption 2) Harry Potter Fanatics

Draco Malfoy called Hermione a mud blood again, so Ron whipped out his wand and pointed it at him. Ron meant to turn Draco into a bird, so that he would just fly away, but somehow something went wrong with his spell. Draco turned into a weird creature. It was half bird, half alligator. At least he couldn't tease Hermione anymore, but Ron was worried that Draco would bite him with his big alligator teeth. Draco's new body had brown feathers and he had a scary green eye that glared at Ron. Draco could not speak, but Ron knew that Draco would get him back for this. Draco flew away, flapping his small wings and was eventually turned back into his normal self.